stores are flourishing as per June 8, 2015 , there are 1,400,000+ app
on iTunes (App store for iOS)and have received 100,000,000,000+
downloads to date which bring down the average download per app to
per a survey conducted by Compuware’s users expect a lot from
mobile apps, in which around 42% of people in the survey stated that
mobile apps are expected to perform better in the loading performance
when compare to mobile apps.
are now using smartphones and with this growing demand there is a
very considerable increase in the number of app usage. This has
resulted in a phenomenal surge in Mobile application development.
Mobile apps server ample lot of benefits and this is the reason why
user are now preferring mobile apps more than any other app store.
have seen that all of our interaction
online takes place
mobile devices. As per
reports from International
Telecommunication Union we
have five billion plus
users which is almost 77% of
the total
population of the world.
apps have now made the access to internet quite smoother and
expedited the shopping process as well which is helping the
smartphone owners to purchasing services and goods with quite easy
using their phone and speaking of numbers it is 41% to be precise ,
according to a survey conducted by Chadwick Martin Bailey.
owners can capitalize on this new mobile technology? The answer is
quite simple and easy you can either develop a mobile app or can
also make your website mobile friendly to your users.
has sucked all our patience.
We want
fast results and want to expedite all the processes.
We can
not wait for the computer to
process even for
one minute and take time to
laod and this
is the time we can test our patience.
Apps have efficiently taken
out the waiting time from mobile apps.
We do not say that all the
information but most of the information
is deposited in
apps. Thus all you need to do
is to download an app and do not
wait for information to load
information over your slow
internet connection.
there is some
information that requires
updates and this
can be carried out in the
background, as this allows
you to go through the
data as you
wait for your mobile
app to load.
brings to us the fact that mobile apps will continue to improve and
will be accepted by masses resulting in better productivity and
business growth, as per the Forrester Research report (FORR) moreover
it will be seen in the near future that even corporates will also
issue mobile devices as BYOD which means Bring your own device will
be seen at its peak.
we are moving forward incredibly but when it comes to the speed of
the internet we are a bit restrained. As now we have a lot of
technologies such as “4G”
is at its boom, but we still need to go a long way. This
is the reason why storing information
on internet is not such a
good option. Mobile
Applications have thus worked
as a great medium to store information and now users now use them to
store videos, songs,
and catalogues. As now
we have a lot of information stored in mobile apps which has improved
the experience that
these app use to deliver.