Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Top 5 reasons to dip your toe into Mobile App Development in 2016

Due to the proliferation of the mobile devices, we can see that the market is drifting towards mobile applications. Many companies have taken a bold move of shifting from desktop to mobile app engagement entirely. Many retail giants are seen to offering deals first on their app and then online. In the US, it is found that 25% of its population access internet primarily on their mobile phones with 10% solely through their smartphones.

Some of the world’s biggest organizations, like Cisco and Verizon, are investing billions of dollars to support the growth of the mobile platform. Coca - Cola is spending ten lacs on their mobile app development, and mobile app marketing platform. Big giants aren’t the only ones investing in mobile. Many small companies are investing somewhere between $50k – $150k in mobile application development to employ their mobile audience. One thing is for certain. It’s not a fab; it is going to be a revolution.

At the same time, there are still many companies across the globe who have not fully encompassed the world of mobile consumers. In 2014, it was found that 45% of all the US businesses didn’t have a mobile app or responsive website. After a year, 28% of the US companies admitted the importance of having mobile applications. By, 2015 it was found that only 11% of the US companies have not invested in the mobile application.

So, in this article explore the top reasons how mobile application development company can boom in 2016.

1. Get customer's full attention
It is found that 80% of the time of mobile users are spent on mobile applications than 20% on the mobile web. One thing is sure once a business captures the attention of its users they are found to devote maximum time to your application rather than engaged in using other apps/websites. In smartphones, it becomes difficult for app users to close the application and switch to another application to compare the shopping prices and then return to the first one. Therefore, we can say that in mobile world if you attract any customer to your application then chances of providing appropriate content that will result in a conversion are much higher.

2. Unbiased feedback through App store reviews
Customer focus is very critical. It helps the businesses to get the honest opinion of its users which can further help them to decide the strategies for engaging more users. This is mostly done with the assistance of popups on websites which is often dismissed by the web users. In the mobile application, the communication is different with its users. The users leave a comment on the application. With this feedback, the companies can easily gauge the users interest likes or dislikes. Companies who works sincerely on users’ feedback get more engagement and loyalty over the period of time.

3. Trending Personalization
The greatest thing about the mobile application is that one is authenticated to log in it repeatedly once logged in. Mobile application offers an endless opportunity to its users. It can provide personalized deals and recommendations. You can fly them to the home page or any page which you think is best for their conversion. This shows how influential a mobile app can be for the app owners.

4. Notification drives the user in Real-time
Earlier before the trends of mobile applications, once the content was published the game was considered over. Now push notification sends critical information frequently to their customers, which has made it easier for any business to get in touch them. You can reveal marketing offers, social sharing options and what not! Earlier it was done via email marketing. In today’s scenario, emails marketing remains only 3% effective engaging with their customers. This makes application push notifications 100% more efficient than email marketing campaigns.

5. Customers going Mobile
51% of the total web users are from the mobile. People carry their mobile phones everywhere. The whole day they are engaged with their mobile phones. Right from the morning alarm to the reading of E-newspaper in the afternoon to the checking of social media notifications in the night while sleeping. Our whole world is revolving around mobile phones. As per Annual Report of Internet Trends 2015, people spend more time on their cell phones than on any other device.

So, as you see in the world of mobile app development, there is vast scope for many companies to grow. Most importantly, the above are great reasons that will be very useful for business to establish mobile application development venture because they focus on making the experience convenient to the user.

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